Calculate your net pay

assignment rate £
per week
pension contribution £per week

click here to receive estimate

Net pay estimate


assignment income to gross pay calculation

assignment income (this is giant's income and not your gross pay)


private pension salary sacrifice contribution note a


employer national insurance at 13.80%


apprenticeship levy at 0.5%


employer’s NEST pension contribution note b


company margin
equivalent to 13.53 or 11.21 net of tax and national insurance for a basic rate and higher rate tax payer, respectively


business expense note c


balance available for gross pay & holiday pay note c


gross pay to net pay calculation

gross pay note d


pre-paid holiday pay note e


gross pay including holiday pay
includes rolled up prepaid holiday


employee PAYE note f
based on a personal allowance of £12,570


employee national insurance


employee’s NEST pension contribution note b


net pay including holiday pay
including rolled up prepaid holiday


reimbursed business expenses


retained income


private salary sacrifice contribution
amount paid into pension scheme


net pay plus pension contribution


% retained
